As stated above, these amounts tend to vary monthly to a minimal extent.

These expenses concern the individual’s day-to-day living, and to some extent, the budget doesn’t vary much every month. Here the user will capture the electricity bill, gas bill, and groceries. This section is more like the necessary amenities needed to run a living.All the monthly income stores and records in this segment, and a total is calculated based on the same. It may consist of various income streams: salary, interest from savings, dividends Dividends Dividends refer to the portion of business earnings paid to the shareholders as gratitude for investing in the company’s equity. One may use this section to classify all an individual’s income. The projected balance gives us the final amount the user planned to save at the beginning and matches it accordingly with the month-end balance, which is nothing but the difference between income and expense.

On the other hand, if the amount here is negative, it should be the first trigger or warning where certainly the expenses are more than the income level of the concerned user. The net balance calculation happens here, which, if positive, means the person has enough income to capture all his expenses. This section gives us a snapshot of the entire income figure, which one has.